Thursday, 14 August 2014

Stupid baby questions

When you have a baby people want to have a little lookie. Friends, strangers and next door neighbours. A buggy/stroller is like a magnet, drawing the masses to come and coo over your newborn. 

Along with the oohs & ahhhhs come questions. A whole lot of questions. 
Some of these questions, although the asker may mean well, are well, how do I put this? Stupid. And flippin' annoying. Especially on the 79th time you've been asked them. 

Here are 10 questions you will absolutely get asked if you have a baby: 

1. Boy or girl? 
Straight forward justified question really, unless your baby boy is dressed head to toe in blue. And has 'BOY' printed on his T shirt. 

2. Is he good? 
What does this even mean? Is he good? Has a mum ever replied "no, he's really really bad, an absolute nightmare actually".

3. Sleeping through the night yet? 
Do these eye bags *look* like he's sleeping through the night? 

4. Are you breast feeding? 
Pretty personal question when it comes from a stranger in the middle of a packed supermarket.

5. Are you having anymore/when are you having the next one?
Give me a blimin' chance, I've only just grown this one thanks. 

6. Aimed at an older sibling: do you love your baby brother? 
Nope, they hate him. *sigh* 

7. Does he cry much? 
Well, he's a baby. 

The Daily Rumble

8. Who does he look like? 
The postman. Funny that. 

9. Does he eat/feed well? 
No, it goes all down his chin and T shirt, messy little so and so. 

10. Is he in a routine? 
He can't even hold his own head up for longer than 5 minutes. Dancing's pretty much out of the question. 

If you're expecting or just had a baby get ready. Those questions are just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure there are plenty more you'll hear more times than you can count! 

What questions are you constantly asked? What's the strangest question you've encountered? 

Keep smiling all you new parents! 

Read '20 ways you know you're a new mum' here
'The unwritten baby age gap rule' here

Love Emma

Emma Rumble The Daily Rumble

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