Monday, 25 August 2014

Annoying mum shiz

Ethan Rumble - The Daily Rumble
As a mum simple things can make you happy, like a super loud baby bum-pop at the most inappropriate time or balancing a white tiger stuffed toy on your little one's head & taking a photo. Little things can cause utter joy. 

On the other hand when you're sleep deprived and smelling of milky sick some small things can also make you cross. Like blimin' mad. Things that you normally wouldn't bat an eyelid at. 

As a mum of two, with an 11 week old, here is a little list of shiz that gets me going 'grrrrr'! 

~ When you go to pull out a single baby wipe but pull out 15 instead. Argh. *tries to stuff 14 back into the packet* 

~ Putting on a nappy, pulling on the tab a little too hard and it rips off. You still try to do it up, 5 times, before giving in and getting a new one. 

~ Making a bottle of formula and loosing count of the scoops of powder you've already put in. Even though you were counting out loud. *chucks it all away and starts again with a new bottle* 

~ Thinking of getting an early night when you realise you've not washed and sterilised the baby bottles. All 8 of them. And you've run out of washing up liquid. And the dishwasher still has an hour on its current cycle. 

Ethan Rumble - The Daily Rumble

~ You've spent 20 minutes (actually make that 45) bouncing your baby in his rocker to get them to sleep only for the dog/postman/telephone to immediately wake them the very second they close their eyes. 

~ The fact that your baby waits for a clean nappy and a brand new outfit before doing the biggest most explosive poop known to mankind. 

~ The baby department alllways seems to be upstairs in stores. Why? The department suggests you'll more than likely have a buggy & therefore rely on a elevator. Why can't it be on the ground floor? 

Ethan Rumble - The Daily Rumble

~ The magical disappearing dummies/pacifiers. Where on earth do they actually go? Perhaps my chihuahua collects them. 

~ Tops with too tight necks. *tries to squeeze T shirt over baby's head*. Cue cries and angry baby.

~ You leave something in the washing machine which turns your huge baby clothes white wash grey. Grey is the new black, right? 

~ Rain. The sky could be bright blue with not a cloud in site but when you finally are ready to leave the house (which has only taken you 3 hours) the heavens open and it pees down. 

~ You can never, ever successfully collapse the buggy in a packed car park. With 20 people watching. *I've done this before. Honest* 

~You get unexpected visitors the one day you decide to not wash your hair. Or put on make up. And you're in baby sick stained PJs. At 4 in the afternoon. 

I'm pretty sure there's a whole lot more to add to that list! As a mum what simple things make you mad? 

Check out '20 ways you know you're a new mum' here & 'How not to be a mombie' here

I'm off to re-wash a once-white load. 
Love Emma

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