I've been a naughty blogger recently, last week I posted just the once. A huge difference to my 5-6 posts a week. I was getting a bit stressed out about it, trying to write, trying to come up with great engaging subjects. It just wasn't happening. I wrote a few posts, read them back the next day and decided that they just weren't good enough. It took a lot of huffing and puffing but I figured it best to not post at all rather than post something I didn't really love.
Even though I felt under pressure I took a step back. The only person applying the pressure was me! Did it really matter that The Daily Rumble was a little less daily? Not at all.
It kind of got me thinking. Why do we put ourselves under so much pressure & scrutiny? Life is hard enough as it is. There are people out there that find happiness in knocking others down, that make themselves feel better by making someone else feel not so great. Things happen that effect us that are just out of our control. If that's the case then why oh why are we so hard on ourselves?
Whether it be blogging, hitting the next target at work, loosing weight, keeping up with the Jones' . We often beat ourselves up about the smallest of things. Let silly things get on top of us and ruin our day.
This week I have learnt that I need to be my own biggest fan. I need to stop stressing myself out over silly things. I need to stop getting cross over insignificant situations. It's kind of like that saying 'if you can't love yourself how can you expect anyone else to'.
Life is short. Enjoy each and every moment. Learn to just give yourself a break. Chill the F' out. I know this post is a bit of a waffling mess and all over the place but I hope you can see what I'm trying to get at.
When it comes to blogging I started this adventure for me, no one else. I write for me and only me, if anyone else reads it it's an absolute bonus. Of course I get the biggest buzz when I see that someone has not only read a post but has also taken the time to comment, blogging is a beautiful thing but I shouldn't stress myself out over posting if I haven't actually got anything worth while to post about.
If you miss your bus or train, it doesn't matter, there will be another one along in 5 minutes. If you drop a jar of chilly powder all over the kitchen (yes, I've done that) don't get angry, laugh it off. If someone backhandedly insults you, don't take it personally. That's more of a reflection of them than yourself. If you're having a bad moment, a bad day just take a step back. Take a deep breath and go get a full fat sugar filled double strength cappuccino *sigh*.
So, there you have it. A post about not writing any posts! Tomorrow is the next day of the rest of your life. Go enjoy that life and never ever take anything for granted.
Love Emma
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