Friday, 12 September 2014

Random things you do on holiday

Random things you do on holiday - The Daily Rumble

So I recently had a week away with my little family to Center Parcs. My 7 year old daughter absolutely loves it there. She can't get enough of all the activities and different things to do. 

Center Parcs hair wraps - The Daily Rumble

Whilst we we there Ellie got a hair wrap. A real typical holiday treat which brought instant joy and lots of 'just stepped out of a salon' hair tossing. 

Center Parcs hair wraps - The Daily Rumble

Whilst she was having these few bits of coloured cotton wrapped around a tiny bit of her hair (which took all of 2 minutes and cost £5.75, grrr) it got me thinking about holidays and all the things you do whilst you're away that you just wouldn't normally do back at home. Especially if you go abroad. There's something about being away in the sunshine that gives you a real f' it attitude. 

Here are some things we have probably all been guilty of at some time or another whilst being away on holiday: 

Consume an entire weeks worth of calories in the form of a single cream heavy cocktail just because. I mean, it's got a sparkler, an umbrella and a teeny tiny hanging plastic monkey, so why the hell not? 

Tuck the above mentioned umbrella in your hair. Wow, you look so much like a sophisticated Spanish Señorita. Really. And whilst you're at it you try to hang the plastic monkey from your ear. Double class right there. 

Ray-Bans - The Daily Rumble

Purchase counterfeit goods from a man on the beach. Seems like a unmissable bargain deal at the time. Until you check your purchase, out of the blinding sunshine, to see your Ray-Ban's actually say Roy Bun. 

Wear clothes you wouldn't be seen dead in back home. The fashion police don't patrol holiday destinations right? What the heck if it's too tight/too short/something you've had 15 years, no one you know is going to see you anyway. Shame about all the pictures you've posted on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. 

Get a massage on the beach. By a unqualified stranger with a squeezy bottle of baby oil and a flannel. And get that massage right in the middle of the day sunshine. Meaning that the baby oil makes you slowly cook whilst they pound your already sore shoulders. 

Buy all kinds of 'weird' and wonderful food from the local supermarket just because it looks interesting.... and then never actually eat it. 

8am Ice creams - The Daily Rumble

Allow your children to eat ice creams at 8.30. In the morning. 

Pack 15 pairs of shoes. And wear the same pair of flip flops the entire time. 

Pig Face - The Daily Rumble

Eat food with its face still on. 

Get your hair plaited into cornrows. Which means a) you get third degree burns on your newly exposed scalp and b) you take them out after 3 hours due to the god awful headache they've given you for being so blimin' tight. Monica from Friends anyone? 

Buy and read a newspaper from back home. The last time you read a newspaper was on your last holiday 12 months ago. 

Spend 2 solid weeks updating your iPod before you go only for you to not actually listen to it one single time. 

What the hell holiday attitudes are the best! What other random things do you do on your vacation you just wouldn't ever do back home? 

Check out 20 ways you know you're a new mum here.

I'm off to drink a piña colada, 
Love Emma 

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