As a mum I don't have a great deal of time to myself in the morning. I get a few minutes to get ready and have to make the choice between makeup or hair. 99 times out of 100 I'll opt for makeup, which means my poor ol' hair gets pulled back into a pony or stuffed up into a scruffy attempt at a bun. I just don't have the time to rock a neat & pulled together up do.
I love any product that helps me to look better whilst saving me time & I think I've found a really great little item, a nifty quick 'Fabulous Find'.
Whilst browsing the hair accessories in Boots I spotted the Goody Simple Styles Spin Pins (£5.49). These coiled little spring type golden pins come in a pack of two & the box says they replace 20 bobby pins. Sold!
So, to use them you simple put your hair into a ponytail, twist the pony into a bun shape and then very easily twist the pins in the bun, one at the bottom & one at the top.
I was very sceptical, I have medium length hair but I have a lot of it. A serious amount of thick curly heavy hair. Would two little springs be able to hold it all in place securely? (Normally in my hair an up do requires 2 hair bands, 40 bobby pins and 2 full cans of hairspray, almost!).
The answer is yes!! The spin pins are genius. They take all of 4 seconds to twist in and to take them out you just twist them back the other way. They don't dig into your scalp like bobby pins can sometimes do (& then you can never find the single pin causing the pain & have to star over!).
The pins are slightly flexible meaning that they can adjust to hold as much hair weight as you need them too.
If you've got finer hair you may only need to use one Spin Pin, for me 2 is perfect. I can use them to hold a pretty neat bun or hold a more relaxed up-do that looks put together without actually trying. They keep the style all day long securely without being painfully too tight.
You can start with a high ponytail, low or even a side one to give you different looks. Once they're spun in they're not visible and they really do hold! I got the longer style pins for lighter hair (as this was the only variety Boots had at the time) but you can also pick them up in a darker colour or in a shorter length too.
For someone short of time like me they're definitely a Fabulous Find! Have you tried the Spin Pins or have any other tricks for super quick hair styles?
Read about a healthy ice cream Fabulous Find here!
I'm off to up my hair do!
Love Emma